Responsive Side Menu Widget

Set colors for menu and select placement
All colors of the menu are customizable to match the style of your website! Place the menu on the left or right side of the browser.

Add up to 12 menu items
Add up to 12 menu items and link to an internal page, external page, or anchor point. Add an icon or image for the menu items.

Set anchor point scrolling
Add unique scrolling transitions by setting the speed, easing, and offset of how the menu scroll to different anchor points on the site.

Change font type in Adobe Muse
Set the font type for the menu by selecting any web font from the built-in Adobe Muse "Text" option.
The widget works across all breakpoints and can be set to responsive width, responsive width and height, and stretch to browser width.
Multi-Browser Support
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
Internet Explorer IE 11+
Version 1.5
Version 1.5
- New widget setup and options.
- Ability to add letter spacing to the text in the menu.
- Fixed issue with menu conflicting with menus in the 26 Menu Styles Widget.
- Menu now uses CDN technology to help your website load faster.
- Visual reference included within widget folder.
- Updated code.
Version 1.4
- Updated with the latest Font Awesome Icon Set.
Version 1.4
- Fixed issue where menu was not opening on tablets and smartphones when the option ‘Close Menu On Menu Click’ was selected.
- Additional instructions included within the widget for easy reference on how to use the widget.