Responsive Image and Video Slider Widget

The widget works across all breakpoints and can be set to responsive width, responsive width and height, and stretch to browser width.
Multi-Browser Support
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
Internet Explorer IE 11+
Version 1.2
Responsive Image and Video Slider - 3-24-2016:
-Ability to add alternative text to the images in the image slider. This will let search engines know what the images are about in the slider.
Responsive Image and Video Slider - 1.1 - 7-24-2016:
-Ability to add a fixed height to the images in the slideshow.
-Ability to position single images within the slideshow.
-Ability to disable the mouse wheel over the slideshow.
-Animations are now included within the widget and you do not need to add “The Animator” widget to use the animations.
-Fixed Vimeo poster image not showing.
-Ability to open links a new a new tab when linking images.
-Updated code.
-Abbreviated widget names for easier access when searching in the library panel.
-Instructions included within the widget for easy reference on how to use the widget.
Responsive Image and Video Slider - 1.1 - 7-30-2016:
-Ability to disable link cursor over images when there are no links.
Responsive Image and Video Slider - 1.2 - 12-24-2016:
-Ability to change the height of the slideshow across different breakpoints.
-Ability to disable links on the slideshow.