Particles.js Widget

Add a particles effect to your website! Set the color, movement, speed, and interaction of the particles. Apply to the entire page, or a specific section.
Web Animation


The widget works across all breakpoints and can be set to responsive width, responsive width and height, and stretch to browser width.

Multi-Browser Support

Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
Internet Explorer IE 11+

Version 1.5

Particles.js Widget - 1.1:

- Ability to set the height of the container area for the particles.

Particles.js Widget - 1.2:

-New widget interface.

Particles.js Widget - 1.3 - 9-10-2016:

-Ability to have the particles widget container be responsive using the built-in Adobe Muse “Resize” option.

-Added a “Particles.js Widget - Fullscreen” widget to have the Particles.js widget fill the entire browser.

Particles.js Widget - 1.4 - 3-23-2017:

-The widget now uses CDN technology to help your website load faster.

-Ability to add up to 5 colors for the particles.

Particles.js Widget - 1.5 - 01-09-2018:

-Fixed issue with particles within the “Particles.js Fullscreen” widget not loading on page start up.

-Fixed issue with particles not loading initially on lower breakpoints.

-Background color and image can now be set within the “Fill” option in Adobe Muse.

-The height of the “Particles.js” widget container can now be set within Adobe Muse.