Fantastic 74 Animations Widget
The most extensive collection of animation effects for any element on your Adobe Muse website. Choose from 74 Animation Effects.
Web Animation

*Free with subscription

Choose from 74+ Animations
- Animate elements on your website and choose from over 74 different animations!
- Set the speed, delay, duration, and iteration for the animations!
- Apply multiple animations on one page!

Animate on load, hover, click, or scroll
Animate the elements on load, hover, click or scroll.

Fade elements in and out
Apply a fade in or fade out animation on top of the preset animation.

Disable at breakpoint
Disable the animation at a specific breakpoint.
The widget works across all breakpoints and can be set to responsive width, responsive width and height, and stretch to browser width.
Multi-Browser Support
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
Internet Explorer IE 11+
Version 2.3
Version 2.3
- Added two new animations – headShake and jackInTheBox.
- New “On Scroll” setup.
- On Scroll animations with the same graphic style name will now animate individually when scrolled to.
- Fixed issue with elements not animating On Scroll across breakpoints.
- The widget now uses CDN technology to help your website load faster.
- Performance improvements.
- Updated code.
Version 2.2
- -Animation trigger added to the widget cover. This an aesthetic addition and updating is optional.
Version 2.2
- Fixed issue with not being able to add multiple ‘On Load’ animations.
- ‘On Hover’ animations now play through the entire animation even when leaving the mouse off of the element.
- Ability to fade out “On Load” animations.
- Ability to disable animations at a certain breakpoint.
- Fixed issue with widgets getting taller in height on Windows computers.
- Fixed issue with elements disappearing in Firefox and Safari when adding a 100% width rectangle in Adobe Muse (only applies to certain animations).
- Graphic style name added with widget cover to make it easy to distinguish what widget pertains to what element and animation.